[Tip] Pin Important Folders To The Top In Windows Explorer

Have you ever wondered how could I keep my most frequently used folder at the top in any Windows Explorer window?

As all of us know, the folders inside any Windows Explorer window are by default sorted by name (alphabetical). So a folder like “important” would always gets listed down in order than say some folder like “abc”.

Windows explorer default view

If you can see in the above screenshot, our motto is to get the “important” folder up in the order, right at the top of the list. One simple workaround to get this done is to add some symbols on your keyboard like ~, `, !, #, ^ etc to the folder names that you want to see atop. However please be aware that you can not use symbols like \, /, :, *, ?, “, <, >, | because Windows doesn’t allow these strings to be present in the names of the folders.

Sticky folder at the top of the windows explorer

Try using different symbols in order to use multiple sticky folders at the top of the Windows Explorer. If you use same symbol for any two folders, they are still going to be sorted by their names as shown:

Two folders starting with same symbol

Avoid using digits instead of symbols as the whole name looks a bit cluttered if you prepend a numbers like 1, 2, 3 etc. at the beginning of the name of the file.

[via] Labnol

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