Zemana AntiLogger With 1 Year Full Version License Key Give Away

Zemana Anti-Logger basically provides protection against evil keyloggers and also deals with different kinds of malwares, protecting your net banking passwords, and your private chats and emails.

Zemana AntiLogger includes the following modules : Anti-SSL Logger, Anti-WebCam Logger and Anti-ClipBoard Logger


Key features of Zemana AntiLogger

· Anti-SSL Logger Module that provides protection against SSL Logger
· Anti-WebCam Logger that provides protection against WebCam Logger
· Anti-Key Logger Module that provides protection against Key Logger
· Anti-Screen Logger that provides protection against Screen Logger
· Anti-Clipboard Logger that provides protection against ClipBoard Logger
· System Defence Module that protects your system

Zemana AnitLogger is now available as a free download with 1 year full license.If you purchase it, it would cost you $34 normally.But as part of promotional offer, Zemana is giving away full free 1 year Zemana AntiLogger license key that doesn’t require any registration, and doesn’t include hidden costs or bundles of third-party software.

How To Avail The Offer?

Just follow these simple steps:

Download Zemana AntiLogger (Free download, current version; AntiLogger_SOFTPEDIA_1.9.2.188.exe)

Install the Zemana program and restart your computer and follow the on-screen instructions for activating the product for 1 year full license