Dropbox has reached to 1.0! A nice achievement there. Dropbox team has released RC version of the Dropbox 1.0 which is available now for free download. For starters, Dropbox is a pretty popular too which allows you to store your desktop files on the cloud, share them and access them from anywhere in the world over the internet, irrespective of the platform (be it Windows, Mac, Linux or even any mobile OS). Dropbox also synchronizes the files between your offline directories and online directories to make sure it always has the latest version of the files within it.
Dropbox 1.0.0 RC is coming with a plenty of bug fixes and performance improvements and the latest version will use lesser CPU resources to run. The most appealing feature in the 1.0 RC version of the Dropbox is “Selective Sync..” which allows you to control which folders should be synced to your computer.
Selective Sync would be very useful in saving the bandwidth for you. With Selective Sync, you can choose a folder to be on the Dropbox server as backup without still needing the folder to be synced to all the machines where you use Dropbox. Download the Release Candidate version of Dropbox 1.0.0 from the following direct links.
Download Dropbox 1.0:
Windows [13.96 MB]
Mac OS X [20.90 MB]
Linux: x86 [13.77 MB] x86_64 [14.54 MB]
There are some bugs being reported by users on Mac and Linux when upgrading from 0.7.110 to 1.0.0. You might not want to install this version if you are on any one of those two platforms. However there’s a workaround available on Dropbox forum (scroll down to note section) to get this work.