Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool KB890830

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Microsoft updates its Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal tool (MWMSRT) and releases the update on the second Tuesday of every month.As usual, Microsoft released updated version of this tool for the month of April (2010) as KB890830.This tool checks your computer for any malicious software and helps to remove it, once it finds the infection.Please make note of the difference between an anti-virus program and thus Malicious Software Removal Tool.

This Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool is no replacement to an anti-virus program.An anti-virus program blocks malicious software from running on a computer, whereas this tool only removes malicious software from a computer which is already infected.As they say “Prevention is always better than the cure”, it applies here too ! It’s always desirable to block such malicious software from running on the computer first up,

Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool – April 2010 (KB890830)

Update Released on : April 13, 2010

Update type: Important

Download Size: 9.9 MB

Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, or Windows 2000


Download the 890830 package now

Download link for x74 version of the software

More information:

Previous updates : KB977206, KB980182, kb978601

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