FeedDemon the most popular desktop RSS reader has many good features to boast of but from the time since it became Ad-Supported (from the version 2.8) free RSS reader, ads have started rolling on the left corner of the client .The user has to purchase a serial to completely remove those ads which are annoying at times.
If you are looking for a way to at least stop those ads too keep rolling in your FeedDemon, here’s a workaround:
FeedDemon uses Deck Network Ads which runs through the server northmay.com, so all we need to do is to deny access to northmay.com from your computer.This can be done in many ways, though the much simpler trick would be to add the following URLs in the ‘Restricted Sites’ option in Internet Options that are present under settings in Internet explorer
(This works since FeedDemon uses IE to connect to the internet)
The result would like this:
Let me know if anyone is facing problems with this or also do post a comment here, if anyone has a far better idea than this, your suggestions are welcome.
Alternative: As mentioned earlier. FeedDemon has come up with these ads only from Version 2.8, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get FeedDemon stable version 2.7.
Final Word:As, Nick Bradbury of FeedDemon says this software needs support from people and Techrena urges all FeedDemon lovers to do the same and without that support we may not see our favorite reader anymore..