[Live] Watch Windows Phone 7 Launch Event

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Microsoft and AT&T are jointly hosting the major Windows Phone 7 launch event in New York on October 11, 2010. Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and the President & CEO of AT&T Mobility and Consumer markets, Ralph de la Vega will be hosting the event to discuss the things that we haven’t yet heard about the Windows Phone 7 (formerly known as Windows Mobile or WinMo)and its availability details.

The features of Windows Phone 7 include:

Live Tiles

Unified Social Media Posting

Lost Phone Tracker


Office Hub

Marketplace Hub

Bing Search

etc., .

The event will start on Monday, Oct. 11 at 9.30 AM EDT (6.30 AM PDT / 11.30 PM GMT / 19.00 Indian Standard Time). Microsoft will be exclusively telecasting the full event live on the internet (live webcast).

Windows Phone 7 conference live

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Watch the live streaming action from the Windows Phone 7 launch: Link

Meanwhile, get acquainted with all the new promising features in Windows Phone 7: Watch the Windows Phone 7 Video Highlights.

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