From next week onwards, Blogger users will find that clicking on the “Next Blog” link at the top right corner of the NavBar will take them to a blog relating to similar topic.For example if you have a blog written about your favourite electronic gadgets in French, it’s most likely that the click on the Next Blog will take you to a blog written in French about gadgets.
Until now, Next Blog link used to open up a random blog written by a random user in any language.This new feature, according to the blog post in Blogger Buzz, will be rolled out from next week.
According to them, using this “You might discover a cool blogger who has hobbies similar to yours, has similar taste in electronic gadgets, likes sports that you’re into, or has similar curiosities and interests.”
Hmm, let’s see to what extent it works.

Conhecem algum método para ajudar a evitar que o conteúdo seja roubado? Agradecia imenso.