Google PageRank has been updated on 3rd April, 2010. It was announced earlier that the next PageRank update after the January 2010 update will be in April, the update was seen yesterday. This is a happy news for all the bloggers.
Bloggers all over the world have a lot of concern for Google PageRank.As far as I am concerned, I believe that Google PageRank shows the quality of your posts, and also the reach and design of your blog. has got a PageRank of 3 this time which was 2 previoulsy. We are very happy with the update and consider it as a gift to’s birthday which was on 27th March.
As far as we have observed most of the bloggers are satisfied with the page rank update and most of us take it as a catalyst to our hard work.
You can check the PageRank of your blog using the Google Toolbar: