Notification area or system tray icons in Windows 7 has been enhanced when compared to the earlier Windows versions like Windows XP. However, for some reasons if you want to disable the notification area and save some space (?) on your taskbar, here is what you need to do:
Registry hack:
Follow the registry path given below: (Registry code for hiding tray icons )
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\>>Software\>>Microsoft\>>Windows\>>CurrentVersion\>>Policies\>>Explorer and set “NoTrayItemsDisplay” DWORD value to 1.
Third-Party Software:
If it’s looks complicated for you, just try this small app Hide SysTray to hide the notification area automatically.
If you run the app, you can disable your notifications area like this:
Note: You need to have .NET Framework version installed on your computer to run this application else you’ll end up with the following error.