Meebo bar- Drag and Drop Links From Any Webpage

Many people over the internet might have noticed the Meebo Bar, in some popular blogs and websites with huge content which allows you to drag and drop headlines and links, images from the Webpages to popular social networking sites like Facebook,Twitter,Yahoo,or through IM etc..

Meebo bar now has been officially available for all.Any website/ blog owner can get it to their site by registering with Meebo.

Visit, grab an account there to get started.

meebo bar small

In the dashboard, you can customize the buttons and choose the buttons form the list of available there.

meebo bar buttons options

Meebo Bar @ TECHRENA

As you may have noticed, Meebo bar is now available in this blog too.Just drag the photos inside any of your favourite posts and drag it to the service to which you want to share it with your friends and share the love.