WordPress Tip: View All Your Blog Posts With Titles & Post URLs

I wanted to have all of my blog posts with post URLs and titles at one place so that I can quickly quote or make reference to them whenever I post a new post at appropriate places.(In fact I wanted to have a XLS list of the same so that I can always check them directly from my computer .I’m not sure if there’s such a possibility in WordPress.)

However, there’s a little code (thanks to jdembowski), which will allow you view all of your Blog posts with Titles and URLs:



while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

"<?php the_title(); ?>","<?php the_permalink(); ?>"
<br />

<?php endwhile; ?>

Open text editor, paste this code into that and save it as posts-urls.php,Now upload this file into “wp-content” folder i.e it should be like wp-content/posts-urls.php.

Now open this in your browser like www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/posts-urls.php and you can view all of your Blog posts in Ascending order of time (latest one at last) as a comma seperated list.However if you want it to be in descending order, just use ‘DSC’ instead of ‘ASC’ in the above code.

The output would be something like this:

viewing all blog posts with titles in WordPress

Please let me know if there is any another really good method to extract all Posts and titles form any WordPress blog.

Note: I know that  sitemap.xml file lists all post URLs (in fact all URLs associated with blog) but it doesn’t serve the purpose as it doesn’t show up post/page titles.

Also read Configure Google Friend Connect For WordPress Blogs.

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8 thoughts on “WordPress Tip: View All Your Blog Posts With Titles & Post URLs”

  1. WOW it works… actually i was trying to check PR for my all blog post & i was not able to find any tool for this. When i found your article i realize why not to get my all post first & then check pr for all pages… with in few minutes i found all post links with title… Thanks for this great information

  2. Hi,
    Great thanks, i have a blog with 200 links. I sat down had some coffee made and started to copy title’s and url’s manually, after a whole 3 links i said to my self there must be a better way and after Googling i found your blog. 🙂
    Thanks a lot for this information save me probably 1-2-3 hours of work.

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