Many of the Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 users usually find that the Auto Hide Inactive Icons tray from the taskbar has stopped working or it is missing inspite of enabling it from the control panel or the taskbar properties. This problem is very common. May be after reboot it may work again, but for some systems the tray may never come up. This tray will hide the inactive and unnecessary icons from the taskbar. So many people like this feature. Making it work again is what we are talking about here.
See the images below where one is not having hide inactive Icon tray and another one is having it:
Enabling the Inactive icon tray consists of changing only a single registry. Its an easy process. There are two methods given below. Both the methods needs registry editing to be enabled. If your Registry editing has been disabled by the administrator then visit: How to enable Registry Editor (REGEDIT) to enable it.
Method 1: Using Elevated Command Prompt
Step1: Copy the whole command from the table below:
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer /t REG_DWORD /v EnableAutoTray /d 1 /f |
Step 2: Open a Command Prompt (Press Start + R, type cmd and Enter). Paste the command you had copied into the Command Prompt. In order to paste in Command Prompt right click and select paste.
Step 3: Press Enter to execute the command. It should execute successfully.
Step 4: Log Off your computer and Log On again. Now your Hidden Icon tray will be working.
Method 2: Using Registry Editor
Step 1: Open a Registry Editor(Press Start + R, type regedit and Enter)
Step 2: Go to the registry key path given below:
Step 3: In the Right Side of the registry editor see for the value EnableAutoTray. [If you are not able to find it, create a new value with the same name. To create a, value right click anywhere on the right pane and select New DWORD. Change the Name to EnableAutoTray(Press F2 for name change)]. Double click on EnableAutoTray and change the value to 1.
Step 4: Now close the editor and log off your computer. Log On and you will find your tray is working.
Congratulations you have enabled your Auto Hide Inactive Icons.
1. Log Off means complete logging off the computer not Locking the computer like pressing Start+L.
2. Restarting the computer will also work after the performing the procedure.
3. If you change the Value as 0 the it will disable the Tray.
4. This method works for windows XP, Vista and 7.

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