WordPress users might be knowing about Post tags/ template tags or simply the tags that this blogging platform supports.
Many a times themes come up with default feature to show either individual post tags or “tag cloud” in the single post pages.
But some themes do not come with showing post tags on single post pages by default.In such cases, follow add these codes to your “single.php” file with in The Loop.
Case-1 : Default Use (Separated by Commas)
<p><?php the_tags(); ?></p>
Case-2 : Tags Separated by Arrows
<?php the_tags('Social tagging: ',' > '); ?>
You can replace ‘>’ in the above code with a bullet ‘ • ’ to show tags separated by bullet
Case-3 : Tags as lists
<?php the_tags('<ul><li>','</li><li>','</li></ul>'); ?>
If you are not using Noindex for tag archives, you must disable showing full post on tag archives to just showing excerpts only.`

I’ve been looking for this for a quite while now. I always get results on Google about showing the tag clouds, but this is what i’m looking for. You may want to do some stuff to have your page appear on top search. It helped me i hope it will for others
Best regards
thanks! 🙂
hello this is really close to what i want. i am using listings theme and i have taxonomies i would like to show n single posts instead of tags . coul you please help me ?