[Tip] Using Goo.gl URL Shortener Without Google Toolbar

Google URL Shortener logo

Google’s goo.gl URL Shortener is now available for public via the website Goo.gl. Google released the Goo.gl URL shortener service (along with Youtu.be URL shortener) in December 2009. According to a blog post on Google Social Web blog and another post by Matt Cutts, Goo.gl URL shortening service was initially launched for the requirement of Google’s staff in their products. But it has quickly got into popularity and even some pretty good browser extensions have come in (here’s one for Chrome). Until now the service was available via Google Toolbar alone. Not anymore!  You don’t need any external add-ons or extensions or workarounds to use this service now. This is now available for public use via the website.

Google URL Shortener

To shorten any URL, go to goo.gl, enter your and click Shorten. The good thing about this is, much like Bit.ly, Goo.gl will also show you the analytics of the links that you have shortened, provided you have signed into your Googe account. Without signing in, you can still shorten the links but you can’t keep track of the clicks coming from that particular short URL.

As you can see in the screenshot, the dashboard will show you the list of links that you have shortened using this too. It will also show the number of clicks received along with a “Details’ link, clicking on which will take you to the detailed analytics of your links.

goo.gl analytics stats

The analytics shows you the clicks received against a time line, the top traffic referrers, the countries from where the visits came, the browsers used, the Operating systems (or the platforms) used etc.

You can also generate a unique QR code exclusively with Google’s URL shortener. Which looks something like this:

QR code

The only thing that might disappoint is the inability to choose custom URLs that is very much possible with the market leader in this sector, Bit.ly.

Go and give it a try at Goo.gl.

Goo.gl, Youtu.be URL Shorteners

There seems to be URL shortening competition going around the web off late.Every one is going crazy about shortening those looooong URLs, thanks to twitter.

Now it’s Google turn, Google has launched 2 such URL shortening services.

1.Goo.gl :

Goo.gl service has been launched for Google Toolbar and FeedBurner.Just install latest Google Toolbar for Internet explorer to be able to use this.

Google toolbar with Share option

Share goo.gl links in Google toolbar

As shown in the above screenshot, the shortened goo.gl link can be shared with your friends in various social networking services.

Creating Goo.gl links Using Firefox

But as of now there’s no such option in Firefox version of the Google Toolbar.But still, there is a Firefox extension which will do the same for you without installing the toolbar.

Goo.gl Bookmarklet:

(Thanks to Matt for this Bookmarklet)

Goo.gl This  <goo.gl bookmarklet link with prompt for copying

Just drag it to the your bookmarks in case of Firefox, Safari, Opera(?) or just add it to Favourites in case of Internet Explorer.

Goo.gl Bookmarklet URL Shortener

Video:Google Toolbar with Share

2.Youtu.be :

If Goo.gl isn’t enough for you, there’s a new dedicated URL shortening service Youtu.be which shortens the YouTube URLs whenever you favourite a video using your YouTube account.

Using Youtu.be Manually:

Replace the "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" with "http://youtu.be/"

Or just copy the video-id (the string after ‘?v=’ in the YouTube URL) of the video(cebbvcMW5Uo in this case) and paste it after ‘youtu.be/’ part.




Facebook too is getting into URL Shortening service with ‘fb.me’

Happy URL shortening folks…