New Orkut Upgrade Brings More Facebook Like Features

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Orkut team has yesterday announced minor upgrades to the Google’s social networking site, definitely in a attempt to catch up to the Facebook’s domination in the arena.This is evident since the launch of new version of Orkut with changes like enabling friends to comment on the status updates,auto-magic groups, file transfer in chat etc.

The new upgrade to the site will bring three feature changes:

# Scraps are now being replaced by conversations:

“From now on, all scraps you send to your friends will also show up in your profile, making it easy to start new conversations”

You can even comment on the ongoing conversations that any of your friends have already started, now this conversation will start appearing in your profile, much like that way how Facebook shows them up.

# Private scraps:

You can now send a private scraps to your friends which will be visible to only selected friends:

orkut private scraps

To keep something secret, just send a private scrap to your friends, and just those people selected will see it

# Privacy Levels:

Orkut has added privacy settings for each of the individual items like who can see content on your profile, who can send a scrap to you, etc.


Every piece of content on orkut (a scrap, photo, video, etc) will be labelled with a privacy level, so you know who else is seeing it or not

What do you feel about these new changes ? let us know.

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