With the growing popularity of Facebook daily, there has been noticeable surge in Facebook related mobile and web applications. Developers are coming up with innovative ideas to build their apps. Once such app that I found lately is, WhereMyFriendsBe, a web based application that shows the locations of your Facebook friends around the world on Google maps. We had earlier covered about Bing Facebook for similar purpose. However, the subtle difference between Bing Facebook app and WhereMyFriendsBe is in grouping the friends map. While Bing app shows your friends profile pictures on their location in the map, the later will list the names of your friends located in a particular area.
As you can see the app will visualise your Facebook friends on Google maps, based on their location in Facebook profile. If you hover over any of the pins, names of all of your Facebook friends located in that city/location will be displayed. That said, I would still prefer using Bing Facebook map because once you use the WhereMyFriends app, your friends map becomes public. It’s rather surprising that not too many apps exist in this category.
via Labnol

fine idea and good luck