[How To] Track Your Train in Google Maps In India with Rail Radar

Indian Railways is one of the largest rail networks in the world it operating more than 10,000 trains everyday. Today Rail RadarTM has been launched in order to make Rail travelling a little easier. The  new web app uses Google Maps to track trains on a real-time basis. Currently the service is only available on 6,500 trains.

Rail Radar for Indian Railways

To find out where your train is, simply visit railradar.trainenquiry.com and search for your train name or number and Rail Radar will spot it for you with the exact location details. You can also find trains by entering the name of the station.

For example I searched for the Howrah Chennai Mail Train No 12839, you can see the result below.

Howrah Chennai Mail Rail radar

As you can see my train is currently at Vishakhapatnam and it is On Time.

Blue highlights indicate trains that are on time while red means it’s behind schedule. If you click on a train, it’ll show its entire route from start to finish.

We are thankful to the railway ministry and Indian railways for working together to bring up such nice technology up-to-date project. We hope Indian Railways should also launch a mobile application soon so that we can beat the train on the go.

See Your Facebook Friends Locations On Google Maps

With the growing popularity of Facebook daily, there has been noticeable surge in Facebook related mobile and web applications. Developers are coming up with innovative ideas to build their apps. Once such app that I found lately is, WhereMyFriendsBe, a web based application that shows the locations of your Facebook friends around the world on Google maps. We had earlier covered about Bing Facebook for similar purpose. However, the subtle difference between Bing Facebook app and WhereMyFriendsBe is in grouping the friends map. While Bing app shows your friends profile pictures on their location in the map, the later will list the names of your friends located in a particular area.

WhereMyFriends Be map

As you can see the app will visualise your Facebook friends on Google maps, based on their location in Facebook profile. If you hover over any of the pins, names of all of your Facebook friends located in that city/location will be displayed. That said, I would still prefer using Bing Facebook map because once you use the WhereMyFriends app, your friends map becomes public. It’s rather surprising that not too many apps exist in this category.

via Labnol

[Tip] Get Imagery Update Alerts For Your Favorite Places In Google Maps And Google Earth

Follow your world imagery update Google Earth

We all love to  follow our favorite places our hometown, our college, places where we used to play with our friends etc. on Google Earth and Google Maps. But we don’t really know when the imagery in these applications gets updated. Wouldn’t it be good if we get notified as and when there is an update in the imagery? Google has just done that! They have released a new app, called “Follow Your World” which lets you track of your favorite places in Google Maps and Google Earth and lets you notify any physical changes in your corresponding subscriptions.

To get started, visit the Follow Your World homepage, set your location for which you want to get imagery update (you can manually search and locate it or you can do it through longitude and latitude values). Scroll down and you will see your email address to which these updates will be delivered, check the details and click the “Submit” button when you are done.  You will receive email whenever there is a physical change in the imagery of the places that you have subscribed. As Google Maps and Google Earth make use of the same imagery, you can then see the changes in both the products.

Driving Directions Now Available in Google Maps India

Planning a long journey to a place where you never had been in India? or just visited a big city like Mumbai and want to reach your relative’s house with minimum time of travel or with minimum fare that you can give to the cab. Now you no longer worry about this, as Google Maps India has just launched this new feature “Get Driving Directions” for Indian road routes.India Google maps Driving Directions

Apparently, Google Maps is not the first one to introduce Driving directions for maps in India ,it follows Yahoo India maps and Live Maps India to add this feature.

Google Maps directions for Google Maps India is much similar to Yahoo India Maps and Live Maps India.You just need to enter the starting point and the destination.

Comparing Google Maps, Yahoo India Maps and Live Search Maps India

Google Map Directions for Hyderabad to Bangalore

I wanted to just compare these three services (Google Maps, Yahoo India Maps and Live Maps India). In my case I tried to get driving directions for journey between Hyderabad to Bangalore (the two major IT cities of India, of course).

The results:All the three services showed a similar distance (Google-566 Km, Yahoo-572 Km, Live Maps-572 Km).All three were also similar in terms of number of turning points or intermediate stations –Google –38, Yahoo- 35, Live Maps-34 ).

But they varied considerably in terms of time of travel.Google showed about 9 hours 19 minutes , Yahoo -12 hrs 24 mins and Live Maps India-10 hr 51 min.