How To Remove Google Bookmarks


You might have read about Google star bookmarklets replacing Google SearchWiki couple of weeks ago.This a worthy feature since you can save any webpage without even visiting it, right from the Google results

Ever since then, I have seen many people asking ‘How to remove Google Star Bookmarks’ in forums.

If you don’t have an idea of the same, this one is for you then !!

First of all, removing an item from Google bookmarks is really simple, what all required is to go the Google bookmarks page (, find the small ‘remove’ link next to your starred bookmark entries.

remove Google star bookmarks

Clicking on the link will remove the bookmark and it will no longer shows up in your search results.

Bonus tip : You can export all your Google bookmarks to an HTML page using an option that you can find on the same page. (See the below screen shot)



You can also delete all your bookmarks at once by following the link ‘delete all’

SearchWiki Goes, Stars Debut In Google Personalized Search

Google Kills SearchWiki, Adds Stars For Customized Search:

Google has rolled out new “Starred results” in Google search results, killing its previous “SearchWiki”.

This feature will be available to all the users in the coming few days, according to a blog post on Official Google blog.

Google has been offering personalized search via SearchWiki, which the search engine giant thought should be replaced by much simpler “Starring the results”

How This Works?

Google Bookmarks actually allow you to bookmark the sites right from the search results.Just go to search for anything you want in Google,

Find the small white star logo on the extreme right after the every search result listing, click on any result that you liked or what to bookmark to save it.

adding star bookmark in Google results

Now that you have saved the result page in your Google bookmarks using star, next time when you search for the same query, you would see the results like this:

Google starred results overview