Google TV Announced, Joined Hands with Sony, Intel and Logitech

Google has come up with the technology to unite Web surfing with channel surfing on televisions. Google has joined hands with Sony, Intel and Logitech International to bring their dream to reality. They have unveiled their much-anticipated Google TV.


For  those who already have a flat-panel TV will be able to plug into the new technology by buying a set-top box made by Logitech or Sony. Both devices will contain the same software and microprocessor as the new TV sets.

Problem during the Announcement of Google TV

The demonstration wasn’t smoothly at a Google conference for about 5,000 software programmers. Many people in the audience were using the conference’s wireless access network that created problems while Google showing how its technology is supposed to toggle seamlessly between the Web and television programming. Ironically Google had to plead with the attendees to disconnect their smart phones from the wireless network.