[How To] Connect Your IDE PATA HDD, CD/DVD Drive to SATA Motherboard and Vice Versa

We all used the Parallel ATA (PATA) Hard Drives or Optical Drives with the IDE interface. With the rapid advancement of technology, currently we shifted to the Serial ATA (SATA) Drives which does not require the IDE Interface and which have faster data rates. This means that all our IDE HDDs, Optical Drives etc. are obsolete to the current world. But, do you need to throw it or dump with your Old Desktops?

The answer is no! Your old 40GB, 80GB HDDs can be still useful now. Here we will show you how to interface these obsolete devices to your brand ne computer using a very cheap interface available in the market.

All you need is the device shown below. It is the “IDE to SATA” or “SATA to IDE” 2 in 1 Converter. It is easily available in the market. You can find one in eBay or Amazon for less than 5 bucks.

IDE to SATA Converter

Connecting Old PATA HDD or IDE Optical Drives to your new SATA Motherboard


Suppose you have a PATA HDD with IDE Interface, Then connect the IDE interface (Female) to your HDD’s Male interface. Connect the power supplied to the standard 4 Pin supplied. Connect the SATA interface cable to the SATA to IDE marked port in the device. The other end of the SATA cable to your CPU’s motherboard. That’s it, now use can use some extra disk space instead of throwing the HDD. The connection process has been shown as follows.


Make sure you do not forget the Power supply to the drive.


The same procedure is applied for Optical drives too.

Connecting new SATA HDD or Optical Drives to your Old IDE interface Motherboard

What about the reverse, that is if you have a SATA HDD and you want to connect to your OLD Computer? Then connect the IDE interface (Female) to your Motherboard’s Male interface. Connect the power supplied to the standard 4 Pin supplied. Connect the SATA interface cable to the SATA HDD and the other end to the device’s port marked as IDE to SATA. That’s it, now use can use some extra disk space instead in your old Computer. The connection process has been shown as follows.


Note: Please turn off your Computer completely, i.e. even the power plug is to be disconnected in order to prevent any hazard or damages.

We hope you have found this post useful. Like us on Facebook or leave a comment!

[How To] Getting Started With New Version Of Facebook Groups

facebook logo

Facebook has recently announced the revamped Facebook Groups feature, giving you more control over the group interactions that you would like to make. Suppose you are just back to home after a holiday and you want to share the wonderful photos that you had taken during your trip to your other members of the family via Facebook. Unfortunately whatever photos or other media you share was visible to your entire friends in Facebook. With the launch of new version of Facebook Groups, you can create groups for your family, club or work etc. Once you have created the groups, you can select content that you share to be visible to only a particular group of people. This is not exactly a new concept, something of this sorts already exists in Google’s Orkut. But with Facebook groups, users can make a group chat, email subscriptions for updates from the group, collaboration features etc.

Let’s see how to get started with Facebook groups:

1. To create a group, you can visit facebook.com/groups. Alternatively, you can find groups link on the left sidebar along with “Game Requests”, “Application Requests” etc.

Facebook Groups link hiddenFacebook groups link in sidebar

2. Click on Create a group link to start creating a new group.

Create a Group link in Facebook

3. Give the new group a name (suggestions: Family, Work, Club etc.). You can add members from your friends list. Just type the name of the person that you want to add to the group, Facebook will automatically suggest people from your Facebook friends list who possess that name. You can add as many people as you can in the Members field.

Create Facebook Group

And beneath the Members section, you will have “privacy” settings for your group. There would be three options to choose from: Open, Closed and Secret.

Open: If you set your group privacy setting to Open, it means that anyone on Facebook can view the Group and its content and can join the same. The group will also appear in search results.

Closed: If a group is set to “Closed” under privacy settings, it means that anyone in Facebook can view the name and members of that group but can’t view its content. Only members of the group will have access to its content. These groups can be found in Search results though (content will not appear in results).

Secret: Secret groups can’t be found in searches. And it’s absolutely invisible to non-members of the group. Non-members can’t even see the name of the group, its members list and of course the content as well.

By default, Privacy will be set to “Closed”. You can always change it to any of the above three options discussed.

Click on “Create” button to finish creating the group.

4. Now that you have created a group, go to the groups tab, click on the group that you have just created and click “Edit Admin Settings”.

edit admin settings in facebook group

Basic Information:

You can now edit the basic information like Description and Email address for your group here:

Basic information facebook group

If you want a special email address for your group, click on “Choose for Group” next to the “Email Address” tab, these email addresses end with @groups.facebook.com. You can choose an email address depending on the availability.

Choose group email address Facebook

Profile Picture:

To add a profile picture to your group, click on the “Profile Picture” link on the left sidebar:

Facebook profile pic link

Profile Picture in facebook group

You can either upload a picture from your computer or take a new snapshot using your webcam.

Sharing Content:

You can share a text post, link, photo, video, event or a document with the members of your group. Go to the your group page and these options will be listed below the group name.Facebook content share with group

Group Chat:

group chat in facebook

Clicking on “Chat with Group” option will let you chat with the members of the group.

Facebook group chat demo

Leave The Group:

Finally if you want to unjoin from the group, just click “Leave Group” link that can be found under the group page.

Leave group link in Facebook

WordPress.com To Be The New Blogging Platform For Windows Live Users


So here is some big news, Windows Live Spaces is dead ! All the Windows Live Spaces users (bloggers) will now be shifted to the WordPress.com, which is going to be the default blogging platform for all Windows Live users.

This was announced by Dharmesh Mehta, Director of the Windows Live Product Management at the TechCrunch Disrupt.

All the existing users need to upgrade their current Windows Live Spaces blogs (there are 30 million of them !) to WordPress.com. This collaboration means that you can use Messenger Connect, to share your blog content with friends over Windows Messenger, each new post will be sent via notification to your friends in Windows Messenger.

WordPress and Windows Live Messenger

The migration may be a bit tricky as it changes your current URL and redirects it to the new WordPress.com URL (there won’t be significant traffic loss though). You can start the migrating process right now at the moment by visiting your Live Space blog. For more information about, read the official post from Windows Live Blog.

Add Images To Your Gmail Signatures

Gmail has recently launched a new feature that lets you add rich HTML signatures right inside your Gmail without needing to any hacks. Until now Gmail didn’t have a built-in support for rich text HTML signatures, if you had to add a signature, it used to look like something as shown below;


Now that Gmail has official support for rich text HTML signatures, you can create a more customised signatures like the one shown below:

Gmail html signature

To start using this feature in Gmail, follow the steps:

1. Login to your Gmail and go to settings page.

2. Find the signature section under settings

3. You can see a much familiar rich text editor that you would normally see while composing a mail using Gmail.

4. You can even add images and link them to your profiles on various social networking sites.Click on the “image” icon to start uploading a image.

add images in Gmail signatures

The only issue here is that you can only upload images that are already present on the web, however you can’t upload images directly from your computer. That being said, one need not bother much about it because images can be easily uploaded to Flickr or Picasa for permanent storage and faster access. You can also resize the image to three different sizes (small, medium or large).

5. You can even change your font size, style, color etc. using the rich text editor. Click on the “save changes” to save your signature.

Adsense Revenue Share Revealed

Google adsense logo

Google has recently disclosed a vital information about the share of the Adsense revenue that Google credits to the publishers for running Google ads on their sites.

According the announcement made in official Adsense blog, Google shares

68% of total revenue for Adsense for content (AFC) ads

51% of total revenue for Adsense for search (AFS) ads

with the publishers.So Google keeps 32% of the total revenue (49% in case of Adsense for search) with it.Google uses this portion of your Adsense revenue for serving ads on your site.


Why Is This Important ?

This data is very useful for many webmasters to estimate the net worth of their site by calculating the total worth of the site in terms of the total worth of Adsense advertising appeared on their site.

For instance, if your site is generating $200 monthly on average (AFC only), it means that your site could run a total of $294 ($200 / 0.68) worth of Adsense advertising.

You can now make use of this data to fix a price for the ads that you run through direct advertising.In the above case, you know that your blog is worth $294 and accordingly you can fix price as minimum price for any ad that you run through direct sale of the ad slots.So this is how webmasters can use their site’s Adsense net worth as a benchmark for ad slot sales.

Google however has chosen not to disclose the revenue share for other Adsense products like AdSense for mobile applications, AdSense for feeds, and AdSense for games at the moment.

Webmasters across the world are delighted to know exactly how much of the ad revenue share that they are being credited and this is a great initiative from Google to provide better transparency.

Google TV Announced, Joined Hands with Sony, Intel and Logitech

Google has come up with the technology to unite Web surfing with channel surfing on televisions. Google has joined hands with Sony, Intel and Logitech International to bring their dream to reality. They have unveiled their much-anticipated Google TV.


For  those who already have a flat-panel TV will be able to plug into the new technology by buying a set-top box made by Logitech or Sony. Both devices will contain the same software and microprocessor as the new TV sets.

Problem during the Announcement of Google TV

The demonstration wasn’t smoothly at a Google conference for about 5,000 software programmers. Many people in the audience were using the conference’s wireless access network that created problems while Google showing how its technology is supposed to toggle seamlessly between the Web and television programming. Ironically Google had to plead with the attendees to disconnect their smart phones from the wireless network.

Google Now Shows Short Answers To Your Questions

google logo

For people like me Google isn’t just a search engines, it’s more than that.I bombard it with lot of innovative queries/question to find accurate answers.This accuracy will only get better in Google, as they have announced a new feature in Google search that shows the short answers to your questions on Google, queries that you perform to find some basic facts.

For example, if you search for independence day of india, this is what you’d see as the first result.

The first result August 15 is the short answer to your query here.

Google Short Answers

If you expand Show sources,you will see the list of sources from where the result snippet has been taken.For example, try searching Sachin Tendulkar Date Of Birth:

Google Short Answers test

I guess this would be a time saving feature in Google search.You need not read the entire web page to get your answer just the result page would suffice.Remember that Google may not show these short answers to all types of your queries.

Embed A Tweet In Your Blog Post

Twitter logo

Twitter has recently added a feature that lest us to integrate or embed any tweet in to the web pages by generating HTML code for that particular tweet.Blackbird Pie lets you embed tweets into any web page by generating static HTML tweets for posts.

1. Go to Blackbird Pie and enter the full Twitter tweet URL there (as you see in the screenshot) and click Bake it.

Blackbird Pie enter Tweet URL

2. It will now generate an embeddable HTML code along with a preview to show how that particular tweet will look on your site after embedding.

twitter blackbird pie tweet preview

If you are not familiar with working on HTML code, avoid editing the code as far as possible.Just use copy and paste.

Don’t forget to follow  @Techrena on twitter.

In Pictures: Google’s New Design

google official logo

Back in April 2010, we have notified all our readers about the changes to the then current Google home page version.This is now being officially announced by Google and has been rolled out to the most of the users worldwide.Previously the users used to get the new version (while in testing) only when they were using Google Chrome.But now it has been expanded to other browsers as it gets official status.We are posting some of the pictures of Google’s design depicting what’s has been changed.

Official Pictures:

Logo design: Old Vs New

The new Google logo compared to the old one is much lighter, brighter and simpler.

Google new official logo

Search Options Panel:

The left Search Options Panel is now more or less a visual treat.The font size of the items has been increased and small thumbnails have been added before each item in the panel.Clicking on More search tools would expand the panel and bring in more search tools.

Google left panel comparision

The blue shading and the underlines under the links have been removed and the width of the search box has been increased while lightening the color.

Google footer comparision

Varying Search Options:

The categories in the left hand side Search Options panel would be different for different types of search queries.For instance, as shown below, the categories appearing would be different for a search query like “T20 World cup” than when you do a search for “Levis 501”.

Here’s an example of how Google search result page turns out for the above said queries.

Google would more likely return news results for these sort of sports or events related queries.
Google result for sports query

You would be more likely to see images/videos and shopping results for these sort of queries.

Google results fot shopping query

Do you welcome these changes? how do you feel about these new changes?

SEA-ME-WE 4 Undersea Cable System Outage – Slower Internet Speeds In India

The internet users in India may have been already facing the slower internet speeds from couple of days, due to the undersea cable system repair.There’s been a disruption in the South East Asia-Middle East-West Europe 4 (SEA-ME-WE 4) undersea submarine cable system that connects South East Asia & Europe, the disruption was located near Italy and this is taking its toll the internet connectivity in south east Asia including India.This is not the first time that such a disruption is happening, in January 2008, almost 50% of entire India lost internet connectivity due to the undersea cable cut.

The SEA-ME-WE 4 project is a combined effort of a consortium of 16 international services, of which India’s biggies Bharti Airtel and Tata Communications are a part.


I’ve got a service message from my ISP regretting the slower internet speeds due to the undersea cable cut.

Due to undersea cable cut across Asia & Europe you may experience slow speeds & packet loss. Intl Service team is working on it,please bear with us-BeamTelecom

Well, the latest buzz is that the repair work will go on for four more days and the companies have been taking various efforts to minimise the impact on the users.

Resources: SEA-ME-WE-4 official site