Blogger ‘Blog Pages’ Allows You To Create Pages In Blogger

Blogger has just rolled out another feature which has been available in blogger in Draft till now.

This one of the most requested features in Blogger.Now you can publish static information on stand-alone pages like you can create “About Us” or “Contact Us” or “Privacy Policy” pages on blogger (like you do in WordPress) easily.

You can have at most 10 pages in your Blogger blog.Writing these pages is very similar to the way you normally do in the case of posts.

This tutorial guides you to create a simple static page in you blog.


Step 1: Visit Dashboard of your blog in and go to the “Posting” tab, under which you find “Edit Pages’ tab

new page link in dashboard

Step 2:Click on “New Page’ to start composing a new page like “About Us” for instance.Similar to writing a new post.Hit the “Publish Page” button once you are done with writing.

Composing new page in Blogger dashboard

Step 3: Now choose the position where you want the Pages Gadget to appear.You can either chose it to appear along the blog sidebar or on the blog tabs.

Blogger Page Gadget

Pages Gadget in Blogger

Step 4: Now you can see the page you have composed in browser.

Blogger page published

published page in Blogger test in browser

If you have liked this, why not take time to read about our guides on Optimizing Blogger blogs for better SEO.

Swapping Blogger blog title and post title -Blogger SEO tweak

How To Verify Blogger blog in Webmaster Tools

Download WordPress 2.9.1 Release

WordPress has released upgrade to its latest version 2.9, with WordPress 2.9.1 which has been made available for download just few hours ago at the time this post being written.

This new upgrade includes fixes for the minor issues with the last released version of this blogging software.




wordpress 2.9.1 screen shot

Excerpt from the WordPress official blog post about updates in the version 2.9.1

This release addresses a handful of minor issues as well as a rather annoying problem where scheduled posts and pingbacks are not processed correctly due to incompatibilities with some hosts.

Download WordPress 2.9.1 (Zip file size: 2.2 MB)


To Upgrade automatically, login to your WordPress based blog’s dashboard and go to Tools->Upgrade menu and choose ‘Upgrade Automatically’.

WordPress Tip: View All Your Blog Posts With Titles & Post URLs

I wanted to have all of my blog posts with post URLs and titles at one place so that I can quickly quote or make reference to them whenever I post a new post at appropriate places.(In fact I wanted to have a XLS list of the same so that I can always check them directly from my computer .I’m not sure if there’s such a possibility in WordPress.)

However, there’s a little code (thanks to jdembowski), which will allow you view all of your Blog posts with Titles and URLs:



while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

"<?php the_title(); ?>","<?php the_permalink(); ?>"
<br />

<?php endwhile; ?>

Open text editor, paste this code into that and save it as posts-urls.php,Now upload this file into “wp-content” folder i.e it should be like wp-content/posts-urls.php.

Now open this in your browser like and you can view all of your Blog posts in Ascending order of time (latest one at last) as a comma seperated list.However if you want it to be in descending order, just use ‘DSC’ instead of ‘ASC’ in the above code.

The output would be something like this:

viewing all blog posts with titles in WordPress

Please let me know if there is any another really good method to extract all Posts and titles form any WordPress blog.

Note: I know that  sitemap.xml file lists all post URLs (in fact all URLs associated with blog) but it doesn’t serve the purpose as it doesn’t show up post/page titles.

Also read Configure Google Friend Connect For WordPress Blogs.

Blogger Service Interruptions Update on Blogger Status Blog

Blogger team today has posted a blog post saying that the the Blogger users, from now on will be communicated for the likes of interruptions like for instance that occurred on last Saturday on Blogger Status.If somehow even if the Blogger Status blog doesn’t work for you, check Blogger Twitter update on Blogger’s twitter account

Blogger team also clarifies that in case of any significant service interruptions, they plan to publish a post mortem on the Blogger status blog within 3 business days to provide details about the cause for the interruptions and what they are doing to sort it out and to avoid similar problems in future.

Excerpt from the Blog post:

“We don’t like it when our users experience problems like what we saw on Saturday, but we hope the combination of transparency around these issues and our commitment to learn from our mistakes will help assure you that we’re doing everything we can to keep Blogger a robust and reliable service for you.”

Blogger Buzz

BTW, Check out the first “Postmortem on recent issues affecting users in Europe” published on Blogger Status blog.

WordPress 2.8.5 – Security Hardening Release is Out

Popular Blogging Platform WordPress has released the update to the earlier version as WordPress 2.8.5 terming it as the “Security Hardening Release” with the following changes:

    • A fix for the Trackback Denial-of-Service attack that is currently being seen.
    • Removal of areas within the code where php code in variables was evaluated.
    • Switched the file upload functionality to be whitelisted for all users including Admins.
    • Retiring of the two importers of Tag data from old plugins.

WordPress 2.8.5 Download wordpress logo

The Issues:

Many bloggers today have reported some minor issues while upgrading to version 2.8.5

An error message

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2354671 bytes) in …”

was prominent among the issues raised by the bloggers.

The fix to this issues is pretty much simple:

First disable all your plugins while upgrading and revert to the default theme of WordPress.

Now perform the auto-install upgrade to WP version 2.8.5.You’d have a very smooth upgrade.Now try to enable all your desired plugins.Now you may find that some plugins are still causing the above said error message.

Here’s the fix for it:

Open your FTP client, and open wp-config.php file in your WordPress installed directory.Add the following line:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

This would increase the amount of memory that is being consumed by the PHP script.

    • A fix for the Trackback Denial-of-Service attack that is currently being seen.
    • Removal of areas within the code where php code in variables was evaluated.
    • Switched the file upload functionality to be whitelisted for all users including Admins.
    • Retiring of the two importers of Tag data from old plugins.

Adsense now allows you to change font size of ad units

Google Adsense in a recent program update, has announced the introduction of new option that lets users to change the size of the fonts in ad units, which was previously available only to premium Adsense publishers.

Change Font size Adsense

The above picture which has been taken from Adsense Blog Post(Link) shows how this new option looks like.You can select any font size ranging from Small to Large.To see this options navigate to My Account>>and open Ad Display Preferences.

More Experimenting:

Adsense team has announced that the default ad font which is now ‘Small’ for all the publishers will soon be changed to ‘Medium’ .

We’ve heard from some of you that the current font size can be too small, and our testing also showed that slightly larger font sizes improved performance.

Techrena wants to hear from the Adsense publishers who have implemented this.Do comment about this new Adsense here.

Swapping Blogger blog title and post title -Blogger SEO tweak

In the previous post about Blogger title tweak, I’ve mentioned about the other way of optimizing blog title structure,swapping blog title name with post title name.

As said earlier,default blogs title structure is “Blog Title followed by post title” for individual posts,now let’s see how to change this structure to “Post title followed by blog title”  (swapping).

1.Go to Dashboard>>Select your Blog>>go to Layout Section>>Click Edit HTML tab

edit html in blogger layout

Find the little HTML section code shown by the red arrow in the following image your template HTML code

tweaking blogger title Where you’ll find the following title tag.

<title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title> [Note:You may also use CTR+F function in your browser to search this little code.]

3.Replace the above code with this one:

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

[note that this will still show your blog title at home page,only changes individual posts structre]

4.Save the Template and open any post from your blog and observe the title structure on the top of your browser it must now look like “blog post title | blog title

Like wise,Wordpress blogs titles also can be tweaked for better Search Engine Optimization,soon be posted here.

Please feel free to leave a comment here if you are having any troubles while doing this.

Blogger blog title tweak for better SEO is most widely used free blogging platform on the internet.Easy to use interface,ability to  publish post at one click does make it a highly recommended platform for newbie bloggers.

Having said that,one must also say that Blogger  blogs are not so optimized for Search Engines.Take for instance the title structure of the individual posts which is “Blog title followed by Post title” by default in blogger.This may not be the one you want particularly if you are concentrating on SEO for your blog.

Let’s see one way to change this Blogger default title structure for individual posts to just “post title” (thus eliminating the undesired blog title at the beginning of the title structure].

1..Go to Dashboard>>Select your Blog>>go to Layout Section>>Click Edit HTML tab

edit html in blogger layout

2.In the template HTML code,look for(use CTR+F to find) the following little HTML  code:

title><data:blog.pagetitle/></title> [pointed by the red arrow in the image].

tweaking blogger title

3.Replace the above code with the following code:

<b:if cond=’data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;’>

4.Hit the Save Template button and load any of your blog posts in the browser and observe the change in the title structure,the new structure will only show Post title alone.

You may also want to refer to next post covering how to swap your blogger title with post title instead of completely removing the blog title from title structure.