Change Address Bar Search Provider In Firefox

Firefox logo

Address bar search is the feature that allows you to search for a keyword entered in the address bar (location bar) without entering the search engine homepage. Firefox by default will look for the keyword entered in the address bar in Google search as it is usually set as the default search engine to manage address bar keywords.

However, you might want to change it to suit your personal interest. It may sometimes can also be a case of hijacking: You install some programs that they change your search bar address bar search provider without asking for your permission (ex: so many toolbars like Alexa, Yahoo etc.). For some reasons, if you want to change the Firefox address bar search provider, you can do it by following the steps below:

1. Type about:config in the Firefox address bar. You will be presented with a warning, if you are using Firefox 3.5 + version, just click “I’ll be careful, I promise”!” to continue to the about:config page.


2. In the Filter search box, type “keyword.url” and the result returns only one result as shown in the screenshot below.


And as you can see here, the address bar search engine provider in my case has been changed to Alexa, when I installed it’s toolbar sometime back. Now I want to change it to a different provider, back to Google may be, or Bing? Well I can even test how it works with Twitter search.

3. Right-Click on the field value and click “Modify”.


You will now be asked to enter a string value for the keyword.URL, choose the values according to the provider, as listed in the table below.


List of  string values of various search engines:


Click OK to save the settings and checkout the result yourself with typing a keyword in the address bar of the Firefox.

Disable Write Protection On USB Disk Drive

windows 7 usb logo

If you have an USB disk drive (Mass storage/ flash drive), sometimes you might have faced problems while copying (writing) data to your USB disk with either of the following error messages being returned.

“The disk is write protected.

The media is write-protected.

Remove the write-protection or use another disk.”

the disk is write protected

write protected usb disk

This means that your USB disk drive is write-protected so you will not be able to download the files from the USB disk nor you will be able to copy the files into the USB drive.

There is a registry hack available to disable or remove this write-protection on the USB disks and flash key drives.

1. Open registry editor via regedit run command.

2. Navigate to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM\  CurrentControlSet \ Control


3. Create a new key named as StorageDevicePolicies.

4. Right-click on the right side pane, select DWORD (32-bit) value naming it as WriteProtect.

edit DWORD value

5. Double click on WriteProtect, and set its Value data to 0 (for removing write protection).

edit DWORD value

You may also be interested in reading reset windows password using USB.


As you are working with registry editor, it is always recommended that you save a backup of your registry.

If you want to disable write access to USB disk drive (flash drive), just set the WriteProtect value data to 1.

[How To] Make Gmail More Secure By Using HTTPS Instead Of HTTP

“If you sign in to Gmail via a non-secure Internet connection, like a public wireless or non-encrypted network, your Google account may be more vulnerable to hijacking. Non-secure networks make it easier for someone to impersonate you and gain full access to your Google account, including any sensitive data it may contain like bank statements or online log-in credentials” – Google

In order to avoid such kind of security risks we should enable HTTPS(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) which is a secure protocol that provides authenticated and encrypted communication and the interceptors will not be able to tap the information.

You might have seen HTTPS being used in the banking and payment websites. So by using HTTPS for your Gmail, you will be able to a secure you mailbox.

In order of enable HTTPS protocol follow the steps below:

1. Sign in to Gmail

3. Check If your Gmail is secure?

Check if you have a url. If not then follow the steps else not required as it is already enabled.


3. Click Settings at the top of any Gmail page.


4. Set Browser Connection to Always use https


5. Click Save Changes.


6. Log out and Login.

7. Now find a secure login

You can see in the url.


Now you Gmail is as safe as you internet banking site. But never forget to Logout your account if you are using a public computer.


  1. Using HTTPS may slow down a bit the speed of accessing your Gmail, so if you trust the security of your network, you can turn this feature off at any time
  2. “Always use https” will prevent you from accessing Gmail via HTTP
  3. Currently Gmail has enabled HTTPS by default. For the old users you can follow the method.

[How To] Disable Restart Your Computer Notification After Installing Windows Update

Microsoft Windows automatic updates provides maximum protection against latest security threats and fixes bugs discovered later. Well it is advisable to enable automatic updates or at least install them manually whenever any new update is released. The only annoying thing about Windows Automatic Updates is that it starts displaying a notification to restart your system in regular intervals once it finishes installing the updates.

This notification is even more annoying in Windows XP where we don’t have the option of increasing the time interval.

Windows_XP_Restart Windows-7-restart

Now we can disable this notification. The methods are given below:

1. By using Local Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc)

Note: Local Group Policy Editor which is not available in Home versions of Windows

Open Local Group Policy Editor. Press Start + R, Type gpedit.msc and Enter.

Now go to in the left pane :

Computer Configuration—>Administrative Templates—>Windows Components—>Windows Update


In the Right Pane Double Click on:

No auto-restart with logged on users for scheduled automatic updates installations


Click on Enabled and press OK.


Now the notification has been disabled permanently.

2. By using wuauserv command

Note: This method is applicable for all versions of Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Press Start + R, Type net stop wuauserv and Enter.



It will stop the Windows Update service for the current session. It will start again after the system restarts. It is important to note that you have to use this command only after Windows has finished installing the updates and when it starts notifying to restart. Do not stop the service while installing the updates.

If you want to start the service Type net start wuauserv and Enter.

This method stops the notification temporarily, only for the current session.

We hope that now you will not have to press restart later again and again and get hold of the annoying message.

You can subscribe to our RSS feed via email for more tutorials under Windows.

[How To] Disable or Enable Registry Editor In Windows 7


With viruses trying to attack your system and change the registry, why don’t we try disabling the registry editor now itself before the viruses do it?

Yes, this question is a clear one and why don’t you disable the registry editor by yourself before someone changes your registry and mess with your computer.

regedit_disabled Well we have a lot of methods to disable or enable the registry editor. Some of the easiest ones are given here.

1. Disable or enable Registry Editor using Registry Enabler & Disabler 3

Registry Enabler & Disabler 3 is a freeware which can be used to enable or disable Windows Registry editor. It is a safe program.

Download: Registry Enabler & Disabler 3

Size: 276 KB


By using this program, you can directly enable or disable the Windows registry editor.

2. Disable or enable Registry Editor using Local Group Policy Editor

Press Start + R and type gpedit.msc and press Enter.

In the Local Group Policy Editor go to the location:

User Configuration—> Administrative Templates—> System

Under System, find Prevent access to registry tool. Double click on it and set Enabled to disable access to registry editor.


Set it to Disabled to enable access to Registry Editor.

Note: Local Group Policy Editor which is not available in Home versions of Windows

3. Enable Registry Editor Using VBS script.

This method is given in To read more visit:

How to enable Registry Editor (REGEDIT)

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[How To] Remove Trojan.Vundo.H or Vundo.H Virus


Trojan.Vundo.H also known as Vundo.H is a back door trojan horse program  that will activate corrupt infected local and network computers and download further malware programs onto the system. The Trojan.Vundo.H trojan horse is considered at severe security risk that can alter registry files and radically slow down computer speed.

Though popular anti-virus programs like AVG can detect the virus, it is found that some special anti-spyware program is needed to remove this virus application

Trojan.Vundo.H  infects and alters certain registries which include:

* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{39458c53-4dae-471a-a480-e3bc0b1d7dd9}
* HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{65d46614-611d-4af2-aa13-a34fc317a96e}

Some of the known infected files by Trojan.Vundo.H are given below:

* C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ugohwe.dll
* C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\subapade.dll
* C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\edapabus.ini
* c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\voriyeji.dll
* C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\pefedamu.dll

Removal of Trojan.Vundo.H program:

It is very difficult to remove the virus program manually, though it is possible. To monitor the activity and registries of the program we can use Hijack this. To know more follow step 2 in this post.

After a detailed research we have found that this spyware virus can be removed using the spyware program: Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus 2010 for Windows. You can download the program from the link below:

Download: Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus 2010 for Windows

Size: 34.9 MB

Run a full scan and remove the Virus files.

You can subscribe to our RSS feed via email for more tutorials under security.

[How to] Repair Install Windows XP without Data Loss

Have you ever faced any problem like ntldr file missing during the start up of Windows XP? During the cases of critical Windows file gone missing or corrupt, Windows will not Boot and hence cannot start. What will you do in such case where your data is at stake?

There may be many solutions available, but repairing Windows using the Windows XP setup CD will be the best. In repair install your data will be intact and no data loss will occur if everything goes right.

If you install a new copy of Windows then some of your data will be lost.

What is Windows XP repair Install?

In Repair install, all the Windows files and registries will be copied to your Hard drive from the Windows XP installation CD. The installed program files and personal data on your hard drive will not be affected in most cases.

How to perform Windows XP repair Install?


Your Windows XP installation CD and key

Follow the steps below:

1. Insert the Windows XP CD to your Optical Drive and Start your computer.

Make sure that the computer boots from the installation CD. If it is not booting from the CD try changing your boot options in the BIOS.

While booting from the CD, press any key to start the process.



2. Press ENTER to set up Windows XP.

Do not press R. It will start, Recovery Console which is not desirable.


3. Press F8 to Agree the License Agreement.


4. Press R to start the recovery install

Select the currently installed Windows XP location which you want to repair. Press R to repair the installation.


Now it will copy the files.


5. Press ENTER to reboot or else wait until it reboots by itself

Setup will continue after restart.


6. Do not boot from the CD after start up

After booting up from your hard drive it will continue installation. Follow the normal installation process.


After successful installation, your computer will restart once again. It may take some time during the first startup.


Now your desktop should be accessible. In case of any problem do leave a comment.

You can subscribe to our RSS feed via email for more tutorials under Windows.

[How To] Stop or Disable Hotlinking and Bandhwidth Theft using .htaccess file

We found out that many of our copyrighted popular posts have been copied by many of the bloggers. But with so many traffic hungry bloggers around, it is impossible to track and warn each of the bloggers.

Now, our main concern is that many of our copyrighted images are not only copied to other blogs but also hotlinked. This is a serious issue with every popular blog where hotlinking results to bandwidth theft. Now if you are having similar problems of hotlinking or not, you should disable hot linking for sure.

What is Hotlinking or Inline linking?

Inline linking (also known as hotlinking, leeching, piggy-backing, direct linking, offsite image grabs) is the use of a linked object, often an image, from one site into a web page belonging to a second site. The second site is said to have an inline link to the site where the object is located.[wikipedia]

This is when you insert an image to your blog from an image URL of someone else’s site instead of uploading the image to your server. Many people with limited server storage size tend to do this.

How to stop Hotlinking and Bandwidth theft using .htaccess file?

In order to disable hotlinking follow the steps below:

1. Open your .htaccess file by saving it.

.htaccess file is present in the public_html folder of your blog. This can be accessed by using the ftp client like FileZilla. Hope all webmasters know this. Save the file and open it using notepad.


2. Add the code to disable hotlinking of your images

Add the following code to your .htaccess file and save it back to your public_html folder.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://(.+\\.)?yoursite\\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule .*\\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|png)$ http://imagehostsite/warning.jpeg [L]

Change the orange colored code according to your need as shown in the example below.

Example: [Click to Enlarge]


The RewriteCond can be added according to your purpose. If you have any other blog where you want to use the images, then add another line with the site’s address as we have done in the example.

Important notes:

1. Backup your .htaccess file before doing the changes.

2. in the RewriteRule line, you cannot use a warning image uploaded to your site because the warning image itself will be blocked. So upload the image to some other servers like blogger or other image hosting sites

3. The RewriteCond can be added according to your purpose. If you have any other blog where you want to use the images, then add another line with the site’s address.

Now after performing the changes, you can check the other site where your images are hotlinked. An example is given below where our most popular post Reset Windows XP, Vista, 7 Password Using USB Drive or CD was copied.


Hope you have seen something like ours. Any feedback will be appreciated.

You can also see how to protect your wordpress internal files using .htaccess.

You can subscribe to our RSS feed via email for more tutorials under Blogger Tips.

How To Report About Third-Party Adsense Ads Distributing Malware

Google Adsense Logo

Earlier this year, Google has made Google-Certified ad networks available to all publisher by default.It is intended to benefit the users who can now attract additional advertisers from third party ad networks to their site through Adsense.This was really an impressive move by Google to benefit its Adsense publishers.

But off late, we have been hearing various complaints about the ads from these third party networks circulating malicious code through Adsense.

For example, quite a number of Adsense publishers with a good anti-virus program installed on their system have figured out that the following virus alerts protruding from their program whenever they open the page containing that particular ad: contains a trojan

Are you one of those publishers experiencing the problem? have no clue about how this is happening ?

Google-certified ad networks who want to place ads in Adsense publisher sites must adhere to all AdWords policies in general.But in this case, the particular ad network which was already certified by Google, started spreading malware later on and as a result some Adsense publishers who were displaying ads from these third party ad networks have been recieving the reports of attacks on their website readers computers through Adsense code.Google however has revoked that particular network’s certification.

We recently learned of a malware-infected creative that came from Aggregate Knowledge, a third-party ad network that was certified by Google at the time. As a result, we revoked that network’s certification, and their ads are no longer eligible to appear on any AdSense publisher sites.

How To Report If You Face Similar Problem?

You need to report through AdWords ads feedback to report about  ill behaviour of a particular ad network from this page.

You need to note the URL of the webpage that this particular ad takes you to when clicked (Warning: Don’t never click on your own ads, instead ask your readers who had faced the problem to pass on the URL to where they were being taken by the ad).Also you need a screenshot of the ad to submit to the AdWords team for analysis.

The report from would look like this one:

AdWords feedback report

Embed A Tweet In Your Blog Post

Twitter logo

Twitter has recently added a feature that lest us to integrate or embed any tweet in to the web pages by generating HTML code for that particular tweet.Blackbird Pie lets you embed tweets into any web page by generating static HTML tweets for posts.

1. Go to Blackbird Pie and enter the full Twitter tweet URL there (as you see in the screenshot) and click Bake it.

Blackbird Pie enter Tweet URL

2. It will now generate an embeddable HTML code along with a preview to show how that particular tweet will look on your site after embedding.

twitter blackbird pie tweet preview

If you are not familiar with working on HTML code, avoid editing the code as far as possible.Just use copy and paste.

Don’t forget to follow  @Techrena on twitter.